March 2018 Results

Congratulations to all of the winning teams in the March 2018 WTBBC. We had another great turnout this month with 605 teams entered.  We weighed 38 qualified cats and paid out $121,000 in prize money.

2018 was a great year for the WTBBC.  For the 3 contests combined, we had a total of 1994 teams entered, paid out $398,800 in prize money, gave away some pretty awesome prizes from our sponsors, and we had a heck of a good time doing it. That brings our all time total payout (since 2008) to $1,645,720. We think that’s pretty unbelievable, and we know that it could not happen without all the hunters who support the contest and enjoy a little competitive varmint hunting.

If you don’t mind, please show our sponsors your appreciation of their support by visiting their websites or establishments, and patronizing them when they can be of service to you.
We look forward to seeing you all again next year.

Here are the results:

Big Bobcat

First Place32 lbs. 2 oz. / $42,350 / Josh Johnson, Betsy Johnson, Tom Brantley, Charla Brantley
Second Place / 31 lbs. 7 oz. / $24,200 / Kurt Davis, Stef White
Third Place / 31 lbs. 3 oz. / $18,150 / Daniel Howard, Jim Bob Bearden, Brendan Shoars
Fourth Place / 30 lbs. 5 oz. / $12,100 / Dustin Vick, Travis McCracken
Fifth Place / 30 lbs. 3 oz. / $6,050 / Butch Larson, Tim Skarke


Each Paid $6,050
Most Grey Fox / 70 / Ernie Kaiser, John Forster, Guy Hohman
Most Coyotes / 26 / Nathan Spencer, Casey Smith, Chestin Clark
Most Cats / 8 / Daniel Howard, Jim Bob Bearden, Brendan Shoars